Frequently Asked Questions


A 'doula' traditionally supports women through childbirth, offering emotional and practical care. As a Divorce Doula, I’ve adapted this concept, guiding women (and men) through the transformative experience of divorce. This process is akin to a rebirth, where I provide holistic support—emotionally, mentally, and practically—helping to streamline the divorce process and therefore costs too. I help you manage the stress, make informed decisions, and find a positive path forward.

How is a Divorce Doula different from a counsellor, coach or lawyer?

Divorce lawyers handle all the legal stuff, counsellors help you resolve past and present traumas and divorce coaches offer guidance for navigating the immediate challenges of divorce. As a divorce doula I bring bucket loads of hard, earned wisdom. I blend this with emotional and action-based steps, guiding you towards a life filled with love beyond divorce. My mission is to help you create not just a sustainable future for yourself but a legacy of love for generations to come, ensuring a holistic transformation that encompasses emotional, practical, and spiritual growth.

can you help me save money during my divorce?

Yes, I offer practical advice to reduce costs, like, when is the right time to see a lawyer, ensure you are fully prepared for a conversation with your lawyer (and not be hijacked by your emotions, exercising tools to calm yourself and therefore making  those hours count!) how to communicate more effectively with your lawyer, with your ex and manage your finances wisely during the divorce process. Although there are ‘good’ delays in the divorce process i.e giving you time to gather information, process information etc, a ‘bad’ delay can cost you more than you expect financially, emotionally, and mentally.  I’m here to help you streamline the costs on all levels. 

I’m thinking about divorce, or we’ve decided to get divorced.  What next??

People often think that divorce is just a legal process and go head first into armouring up with lawyers ready for a fight.  It doesn't have to be like this and only too often, ends up being a very costly path that only benefits the lawyers (any good lawyer will tell you this too). Divorce is a deeply personal and emotional journey, unique and sometimes traumatic. Take time to process what is happening and as hard as it might feel, being compassionate towards yourself is going to be key to a successful divorce.  Talking to someone is the first best step you can take and don’t let that be your solicitor! A friend you trust, a family member, join a support group (Join my free private FB community – Divorce Dialogue) or speak to a professional such as a GP, Samaritans, counsellor, coach or expert guidance from me – just book a free chat using the link here

Just talk to someone because sharing your story is the first step to moving forward.


Yes, I offer practical advice to reduce costs, like, when is the right time to see a lawyer, ensure you are fully prepared for a conversation with your lawyer (and not be hijacked by your emotions, exercising tools to calm yourself and therefore making  those hours count!) how to communicate more effectively with your lawyer, with your ex and manage your finances wisely during the divorce process. Although there are ‘good’ delays in the divorce process i.e giving you time to gather information, process information etc, a ‘bad’ delay can cost you more than you expect financially, emotionally, and mentally.  I’m here to help you streamline the costs on all levels. 

How do I start feeling better after my divorce?

Begin with acknowledging your feelings, be kind to yourself and start taking good care of yourself. Small steps to creating daily habits that help you to get to know yourself again such as journaling or meditation can make a big difference in healing.

How can I find out what I really want after divorce?

Post-divorce is a time for rediscovery. We'll explore your passions, values, and dreams to build a life that feels fulfilling and true to you. For now, a good place to start?  Write a list of all the things that light you up, make you smile. 

Do cultural and religious differences affect my divorce?

Yes, they can. I offer guidance that respects and understands these differences, helping you navigate your divorce in a way that feels right for you.

How do I get a divorce in the UK?

For the latest detailed information on the process, costs, and forms, visit the official UK government website on divorce: GOV.UK Divorce.

How can I work with you?

The first thing to do is book a free, no obligation discovery call with me so you can gain more clarity on what is going on for you and if we are good fit to work together.  You can book a call here.

I offer bespoke, private 121 support for 4, 6 0r 12 months.

I also run a variety of group programmes throughout the year which you can join at any time. These courses are popular as they not only offer transformational guidance but offer a unique community of people who get it and are ready to share their wisdom too.  Make meaningful connections for now and for a lifetime. Group programmes typically run for 4 months.

Payment plans are available, just ask. 

All my support is online and virtual for maximum flexibility. 

These FAQs aim to provide a starting point for anyone feeling lost or confused about divorce. For more personalised guidance, I'm here to support you every step of the way.