Dedicated to your thriving life again


Hello, I'm Farhana.

I’m a British Bangladeshi, divorced single mama, divorce doula, life coach, mentor, healer, teacher and dedicated to your thriving life once more.

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What does a divorce doula do?

As a divorce doula I help people who are ready to feel confident through the process of divorce and open to reimagining the next stage of their life.

My purpose is to guide you to become who you've dreamed of being so that you can go after the things you've always wanted.

I give my clients the steps to thrive again even when they're feeling lonely and unsure about the future.

This is done by weaving my unique magic combination of coaching, mentorship, eastern healing tools and hard-earned wisdom of my own journey through divorce.

My goal is for my clients to be able to express themselves fearlessly, move through grief, become energised to do what makes them happy and enjoy inner authority and peace.

The process of divorce can be heart-breaking and at times traumatic.  For me this was certainly the case.  As a south asian woman, divorce is considered a shameful taboo, and this added complexity to an already life changing experience..

why work with my divorce doula?

I came by this work having struggled (so, so much) with my own separation and divorce.  Throughout the process, I was running on fear, feeling powerless and guilty that I had ruined my family's chances of happiness.  Not to mention that I was totally exhausted and battling with not feeling good enough. I knew there was a better way to live life after divorce.

A single mother with very little financial independence at the time, I tried and tried again, failed, cried, picked myself up, showed up for my life and my children in ways beyond what I imagined was possible . . . . And, overtime, it became incredibly clear on what was required to transform my pain into my pleasure. Figuring it out for myself and then for many clients has made me a tiny bit of an expert.

Knowing what I know now, I'm on a mission to help others follow their true desires, reclaim that prosperous life free of all the guilt and shame.

Working with me will get you in an emotionally better place and save you money! You will be able to make decisions faster and with more confidence.  Avoiding unnecessary delays in the legal process and working with me early will mean you only need to use solicitors for the legals.

Will it be fun, easy and pleasurable? Not always. There will be times when you will be required to swim through your discomfort. But commitment and surrender when equally inhibited, tend to create magical results - divorce can really be your secret superpower.


  • "I Always walk away from our conversations having learnt something new about the human spirit. you are brilliant with people"

I hope I will get to learn more about you.

If you would like to receive my nuggets of wisdom and be kept up to date with programmes, workshops, other ways to work with me, join my mailing list.

 The only question for now is, for how long will you avoid this work?

If not now, then when? And if not me, then whom?

Ready to take the next step?

Simply contact me and I’ll do the rest.

With love,

Farhana x